Ford Escape is a SUV designed and made by the famous car manufacturing company Ford Motors. Ford Motors came into existence in the year 1903 and is named after its founder Henry Ford. The company is based in the Car Capital of the World – Detroit, Michigan.
Ford Escape was first launched in the year 2001 and is a variety of the Crossover car. Crossovers are cars which are built on the platform of some other car model and their body is built later accordingly. But, for marketing purposes the car is still tagged under the category of SUVs than Crossovers.
Further modifications were added to the Ford Escape in 2004. The modifications were done to convert the car into a hybrid car that can use more than one mode of fuel or power for their running. Apart from fuels such as petrol and gasoline, Ford Escape can also run with the help of electric motors.
In the decade since the car was launched, there have been two versions or two generations of the car that have come up:
- Generation I was the original version of the car launched in 2001. The first generation Ford Escape was in operation till 2007.
- The second generation Ford Escape was launched in 2008 and is still under operation.
However, after 2011, it has been said that the manufacturing of the second generation Ford Escape will be stopped and a third generation model will be launched. Considering the way these two versions were accepted all over, it can be safely predicted that even the third generation Ford Escape will be a huge success
Ford Escape was first launched in the year 2001 and is a variety of the Crossover car. Crossovers are cars which are built on the platform of some other car model and their body is built later accordingly. But, for marketing purposes the car is still tagged under the category of SUVs than Crossovers.
Further modifications were added to the Ford Escape in 2004. The modifications were done to convert the car into a hybrid car that can use more than one mode of fuel or power for their running. Apart from fuels such as petrol and gasoline, Ford Escape can also run with the help of electric motors.
In the decade since the car was launched, there have been two versions or two generations of the car that have come up:
- Generation I was the original version of the car launched in 2001. The first generation Ford Escape was in operation till 2007.
- The second generation Ford Escape was launched in 2008 and is still under operation.
However, after 2011, it has been said that the manufacturing of the second generation Ford Escape will be stopped and a third generation model will be launched. Considering the way these two versions were accepted all over, it can be safely predicted that even the third generation Ford Escape will be a huge success